Mobile Medical Units(MMUs)
What is it?
The MMU’s provide access to public health care, particularly to people living in remote, rural, underserved, and unreached areas.
The objective of this strategy is to make healthcare a doorstep facility provided to the vulnerable population. This facility is not meant for patient transportation where as the medical units will be mobile and be available to the patients as and when necessary.
Where-Whom to?
Located in remote and rural demographics, We aim to provide prompt medical care to all the ones who are unable to consult a hospital due to financial and economic constraints.
To provide medical services to all classes of people at a reasonable and affordable price, right at their footstool; as a part of the “CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY” irrespective of all the other differential factors.

Nature of Work:
We provide preventive care services.
We also provide primary care services for common diseases including communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Scope of Work:
- Provide diagnostic care: BP, sugar, pregnancy, malnutrition,vision,dental,
height, weight, etc - Free medicine distribution
- Referrals to hospitals (if required)
- Awareness classes/Health camps
Operational Aspects:
- 1 – Medical officer
- 1 – Nurse
- 1 – Compounder
- 1 – Ambulance
- 1 – Driver
- Quantity and Quality of the medicines distributed
- No.of villages visited in a month
- No.of cases treated monthly(under various categories like pediatric, diabetic, hypertensive)
- No.of diagnosis done to draw cumulative on the respective diagnosis
- No.of referrals
- No.of people treated (area wise)