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Coal Mining

We haven’t left any stone unturned which is very much evident from the fact that we are serving as an extended arm implementing agency to MNC’s in activities under CSR wing.

As a part of the CSR program wе have associated with one of the most prominent industries in India- ADANI MINING GROUP in conducting nearly 40 health camps like general/eye/dental/diabetic/blood donation etc. in the villages of Hazaribagh dist, Jharkhand in the year to come with an objective to achieve the highest possible level of good health & well being through promotive health care. Being associated with such an esteemed MNC is indeed an added credential to our organization

Two  more permanent CSR  projects  are being implemented in the villages surrounding Chatti Bariatu Mining & Tokisud Mining under M/s-Rithwik Projects Pvt. Ltd which have been awarded to us on contractual basis i.e., Maintenance of dispensaries by deployment of Doctor, Pharmacist &Paramedic & along with provision of ambulance services in objective to provide first aid treatment to villages and create awareness to fight seasonal & epidemic outbreaks