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Many factors including economic & social globalization, scientific & technological development and better access to information emphasized the fact that ethical behaviour & social responsibility is vital to organizations practices. Re-Interpreting the view of social responsibility that an organization should not only accomplish its economic & legal requirements but also dynamically contribute to the social good.

Not all companies approach CSR in the same way but depend upon the resources, available assets and corporate culture. In view of the above, & several MNCs with an objective to achieve the highest possible level of good health & well being, through a preventive & pro motive health care  and to achieve universal access to  good quality health care services without anyone having to face financial hardship are seriously engaging in CSR activities around health care which include conduction of free health /Eye /dental camps, blood donation camps, free to distribution of medicine,  running MMU’s, operating dispensaries in villages etc.

This is where our organization comes into picture where we act as an extended arm/ Implementation agency to such MNC’s in implementing their CSR activities on contractual basis. Operation of 2 dispensaries to render First aid services to villages surrounding  Chatti Bariatu Cool Mining and Tokisud Mining in Hazaribagh dist, Jharkhand  by our organization as a part of CSR activity under Rithwik Projects Pvt. Ltd.

*Conduction of health camps like general /Eye / dental/ diabetic camps etc in Baloder, Gali & Gondalpura villages of Hazaribagh district Jharkhand  & free distribution of medicines are also part of CSR activities under ADANI MINING PVT LTD (Adani Group) which positioned itself as to be the market leader in its transport logistics and energy utility portfolio businesses. Association with such MNC, is an added asset to our organization.


Mobile Medical Units (MMU):

Running MMUs is our Core CSR Activity with an objective to make health care doorstep facility to vulnerable population to the undeserved. Through MMU’S We aim to  provide prompt First Aid training to the ones who are unable to consult a hospital due to financial constraints taking consideration of the epidemic & pandemic outbreaks prevention in particular areas.

Thus the existence of a right to health care, as a positive social right, emphasises the perspective & the need for active social Responsibility