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Annual/ Pre-employment Health Checks

Pre-employment checks:

In compliance with the clients’ policy, our medical team conducts pre-employment checks which are a part of the recruitment process to determine whether a candidate is suitable for a particular job i.e. whether the person is physically fit & able to carry out the assigned work!
These checks include clinical examination, visual acuity, and blood grouping.

Annual Health checks:
As per the Factories Act of India 1948, it is mandatory to conduct periodic health check-ups for all contractual and permanent employees working in industries to ensure occupational safety and health of factory workers.
A healthy staff is always capable of delivering better results contributing to the growth and success of the company.
Hence we hire a medical team to conduct tests to diagnose occupational-related ailments right at the doorstep of the industries and advise them on the necessary treatment for better health.

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